Joshua's Homecoming Video

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well we got our court date!!!!!!! We will leave June 18th or 19th, court is on the 22nd, and we return home on the 23rd!!!!  If we pass court, we will have to wait 10 business days (as long as there are no holidays during this time) and then return to pick him up!!!!! So hopefully by the end of July we will have him home, Lord willing.

We would appreciate your prayers as this is the most nerve-wracking part of our adoption journey. This is also the trip where Todd and I get to be medically checked out by 8 doctors in Joshua's country. Sounds fun, I know! But Joshua is WORTH it!!!!


  1. Hooray!!! Congratulations! We went to court on the 22nd, too! Exactly 4 months before you. :) Best wishes for you on the rest of your journey. And what's this "if" we pass court stuff. Of course you will!!

  2. thanking God that you received your court date! steps closer to bringing Joshua home. =) prayers continue (including for the check-ups).


    ps you get to travel thru another birthday.

  3. I am so happy for you guys!!! I just can't wait to one day be at this stage of our adoption! I will be praying that everything goes well for you!

  4. Wendy,

    That is SOOOOOO exciting!!! I am so happy for you! We will pray that EVERYTHING goes well during your trip to Russia. Let us know if we can help with anything you need for traveling. Keep us posted :)

    Jim & Rachel

  5. So excited for your family & little Joshua!! Will be praying for a smooth court hearing :).

  6. So excited for you guys!

    Rachel Whitmire
    Post-Adoption Care Coordinator
    Reeces Rainbow Down Syndrome Adoption Ministry

  7. 8 DOCTORS????.....Yuck, I dont even like 1 doctor! LOL!!!
    Hope all goes well. It wont be long now! Cant wait to see pictures of him home where he belongs.
