The Golden Ticket
aka: I-171H (USCIS approval)
Step 1: Fill out important 1-600a (some people fill out I-800(a?) instead......I think it depends on the country) and send it in with an official form of identification, a large fee and a copy of our homestudy. Then wait while the USCIS office process and I assume approves it.
Step 2: The USCIS office assigns you a date and location to be fingerprinted. Your electronic fingerprints are sent (somewhere) for approval. Then you wait again.
Step 3: Receive The Golden Ticket in mail!!!
So I found out a few days ago that my Immigration fingerprints were rejected. sigh. sigh. sigh. We've been waiting for The Golden Ticket in the mail. Instead, a rejection notice.
The USCIS office assigned me another time and date about 3 weeks from now. Problem is is that I am going to be needing The Golden Ticket pretty soon. We are supposed to send The Golden Ticket in our Court Dossier (the final 2/3 of our dossier) either right before we leave for our first trip (March 26th - April 1st) or soon after we return home.
SO I am going to attempt a walk-in fingerprinting appointment this coming Monday morning. I am going to get up early and drive 21/2 hours away and plead with them to let me get my fingerprints redone. This particular office is notorious for turning away walk-ins. Thankfully I know someone who recently walked in to this office and was able to get it completed.
Please pray for me on Monday morning.