Joshua's Homecoming Video

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Personality Plus

We are really enjoying our time here.  We miss our kids at home though.  We are hoping to skype with them again today.  I can't wait.  Our time here with our little guy has been so fun. Some of his personality traits that his caregivers told us about have been fun to see in our playtime together.  Some of the things they mentioned about him were he that is goal-oriented, joyful, funny, happy, and stubborn.  Honestly, we haven't see much of the stubborn yet.  But we are in the great 'honeymoon' phase and we know it.  He really likes building things.  Who would have thought that the markers we brought were the prize toy!!  Not because the color well  but because you can make great towers with them!  

He works very hard to reach a goal.  He will try many different things to get what he wants accomplished.  When we were with his group yesterday he wanted a certain book off the shelf.  He stood on a little chair, pointed and someone would hand him a book.  Well we weren't getting the right book.  He came over to a higher stool and proceeded to carry it over to the bookshelf.  The stool was too high to stand on and we all jumped up to stop him but the point being is that he was going to get the right book.  Even if the rest of us weren't smart enough to figure it out:). 

Here's another example of his determination:

But O What JOY!!when you accomplish the task!!!!


Just some fun pictures......

Having fun together!

Ahhh!! the markers!!!

Some of my favorite pictures from today!

We love you all! 
Praise to God for His Wonderful Gifts!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Visit Day 2

Visiting our little guy - Day #2

He is so cute!

Today when we visited we got to visit his playroom and visit with his caregivers.  I was able to ask them questions about his health, likes, dislikes, personality and past history.  It was fascinating and we learned much about him.  I cannot say enough about how impressed we have been with his caregivers.  They truly love and care about him.  E, our coordinator has been interpreting everything for us.  Below we were trying to get a good picture for a passport.  It was hilarious!!  He tried so hard but just was always looking up or down or sideways.
Try #1
Try #2
Try #3
Try #10

Try # 20?!
(not sure we ever got the picture we wanted:)
His caregivers made a card and traced his hand on it. 
He was very proud of it.
Loves to look at books.  They say he really likes animals! 
He should fit right in with our family:)

He is looking at the picture book that we made of our family
that we gave to him. When we came in today he ran over to us and shouted with a loud, "Papa!  Mama!" 
So precious!!!

Peeking into the toy bag!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Beautiful Little Boy

What a precious a little guy we met today!!  We love him so much already!  He came to us right away and hugged us.  It was amazing.  Here are some pictures.  Enjoy! 

I will have to write more later.  The process of uploading pictures has been laborous and difficult.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

We are here!

We are here! We had smooth flights the whole way. I didn't sleep at all and am falling asleep while typing. We skyped with the kids and now are heading to bed......soo tired. We meet our little guy tomorrow; Will try to post some more tomorrow;)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

We are sitting in the airport waiting for our next flight to take off.  When we land we will be in Amsterdam.  Then we have one more flight to our final destination.  Just a FYI, I can't post the name of the country our little guy lives in.  It could jeapordize our adoption.  I will try to post pictures as we go along but again will have to keep it unrecognizable for now. 

Leaving our kids is always the hardest part.  S, our 5 year old, wept.  Oh my heart!  At least we know we are loved right?!  Todd and I both about lost it when we peeked in at our little 1 year old J and he was sleeping so peacefully.  We love our kids so much and we are hoping to video skype with them often so maybe that will make this a little easier.

I can hardly believe we are finally doing this!  Flying over the Atlantic is a little nerve wracking but I am ready.  READY to meet our little guy!!!  WOO HOO!!

I will be checking fb and our blog often so please comment.  I would love to hear from you!  And please continue to pray for us and our little guy. 


Friday, March 25, 2011

Leaving Tomorrow!!

We are 95% packed.  We were up until 2am but we are very close to having it all packed.  So that is GOOD!!

Tonight we are celebrating my oldest daughter's 9th birthday here at our house.  I am NOT ready but have wonderful help coming this afternoon (mother-in-law and cousin).  It'll happen somehow! 

Feel bad that we are leaving on her my daughter's birthday tomorrow but we had no choice!! 

Happy Birthday T!!!  We love you soooo much!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

On Its Way!!

These documents represent the final 2/3 of our dossier (Court Dossier).  Yesterday (Monday) I went to the state capital again and got the final documents apostilled (the fancy gold seal).  Then I copied everything and Todd overnighted it to our agency.  YAY!!!  After our agency checks them over for errors, then they will be sent to our little guy's country.  They will all need to be translated.  Finally, a judge will be assigned to us and he/she will look everything over, probably ask for more documents, then (hopefully!) assign us a court date.  This will take a good month or two.  Which is why I wanted to get this out of our hands and get the ball rolling. 

As my mom said, now I can concentrate on packing!!!!  I can hardly believe that next week at this time, Lord willing, I will be playing with our little guy!!!  So excited!!  We are also hoping that we can get his name figured out once we meet him.  For any of you that know us well, naming our kids has gotten progressively more difficult with each child. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Update on Kirill

This is a update from Julia,

This is Kirill.

This is for whom we pray.

A frail little boy who has been deemed unworthy of a family.

A little boy lost.

Yet found.

He has parents. 

Not the ones who birthed him but the ones who were hand-picked by God Himself.

He has a Mommy and a Daddy who have crossed the ocean twice.  A Mommy and a Daddy who have prayed and fasted and prayed some more so he could come home and be part of their family.

He is loved.

He is forever and forever loved.

But he is not with them.

He sits frail and weak and lost in an orphanage because a judge said no.

And his Mommy and Daddy - their hearts are broken and bleeding.

They had to leave him behind.

But he is not abandoned and he is not truly alone.

He is right now under the watchful and loving eye of the Creator of the Universe.

Not forgotten.  Not abandoned.

It was GOD who called the Davis family to cross that ocean TWICE to get that little boy.

And they are being called again to finish the work that He started.

They are going to appeal.

Though bruised, battered and beaten, they are going to stand again and fight.

For their son.  The one who God stamped on their hearts.


A little boy who desperately needs his Mommy.

He needs to come home.

So get your knee pads on church because we are being called to action.

Right now the facilitators, who had their breath knocked out of them on Thursday when they heard the verdict, are frantically gathering papers together to file an appeal to the Supreme Court in that country.  They have until Wednesday to get those papers filed.

The Supreme Court will decide within 10 days of the filing whether to send the case back to court again. 

If the Supreme Court agrees, then Tesney and Greg Davis will stand again before the same judge and the same prosecutor (both who said NO) and again will plead to become Kirill's parents.

Sounds grim?  Sounds futile?  Hopeless?

Not for God.

If He wasn't in the picture then yes, standing back before the same judge and prosecutor seems like a recipe for disaster.

But He IS in the picture and He IS working and moving and hearts are already being changed.

The fact that thousands and thousands and thousands of people around the world are now watching and wondering and waiting to see what will happen with one little boy with Down Syndrome is enough to make you catch your breath.

God works that way.

Taking what is deemed of little worth by the world's standards and using it for His glory and for His purpose.

Using one little boy to call the church to wake up.

To call us to action to stand for these little ones who are beyond helpless.  Disabled treasures who are so desperately needy.  To cry out and be their voice.  To let the world know about their plight.  To rescue them before they waste and wither away in their cribs.  To proclaim to the world that they are of great worth and value to the Creator of the Universe.

Right now - we pray.  We pray for the Davis family as they prepare again to battle for their son.  We pray God's peace, healing and rest upon their spirits.  We pray for wisdom for their facilitation team as they work tirelessly to appeal the ruling.  We pray for the lawyer who has been hired, that he will present their case in such a way that the Supreme Court will be compelled to grant Kirill a right to a family.  We pray for the prosecutor and the judge.  We pray that God would do a heart change in them and that they would have no choice but to agree to this adoption.  Please pray.  Pray for Kirll that God would sustain him during this time.  Pray church. 

  Pray too for the Moreno's who are THERE NOW getting ready to visit Baby J for the first time.  Pray for the Hook's who are LEAVING SOON.  They are facing the SAME JUDGE AND PROSECUTOR in just a few weeks time.  To say they are terrified would be putting it mildly.  Cover these families with your prayers.

And finally - Pray also for Carrington.  I posted about her yesterday.  She is barely hanging on by a thread at this point.  Her body is unable to accept any nutrients despite an NG tube.  PLEASE PRAY!  You can keep updated on her condition through THIS BLOG.  Pray for the Burmans that they would be given an extra measure of strength and perseverance as they struggle with exhaustion, jet lag and sickness. 

Pray because God hears. 

He hears.

Jeremiah 31:8-12

See, I will bring them from the land of the north
and gather them from the ends of the earth.
Among them will be the blind and the lame,
expectant mothers and women in labor;
a great throng will return.
They will come with weeping;
they will pray as I bring them back.
I will lead them beside streams of water
on a level path where they will not stumble,
because I am Israel’s father,
and Ephraim is my firstborn son. 

 “Hear the word of the LORD, you nations;
proclaim it in distant coastlands:
‘He who scattered Israel will gather them
and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.’
For the LORD will deliver Jacob
and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they.
They will come and shout for joy on the heights of Zion;
they will rejoice in the bounty of the LORD—
the grain, the new wine and the olive oil,
the young of the flocks and herds.
They will be like a well-watered garden,
and they will sorrow no more.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am not

going to lie.  That last post about the Davis family put me in a bit of a funk.   Kind of the reality setting in - that it can happen.  It could happen to us.  UGH.  All the time spent, all the time spent in emotional, spiritual, physical and financial preparation.  All this to be told no by a judge.  Double UGH.  A good friend reminded me to not let Saten discourage us in this journey.  Adoption is not to be taken lightly for it is close to our Father's heart.  For those of you who believe, He has adopted us into his forever family.  
My friends, adoption is redemption. It’s costly, exhausting, expensive, and outrageous. Buying back lives costs so much. When God set out to redeem us, it killed Him. And when He redeems us, we can’t even really appreciate or comprehend it......... Derek Loux
 The Davis family has been such an amazing example to me.  They keep saying please pray for the judge, don't slander, just pray.  And now they have a glimmer of hope.  They are going to appeal this decision.  The Davis family is asking for prayers for the judges, their family and themselves.  Pray that God will use this situation to bring awareness of the vast need of families.  These children need families. 

There is Hope.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Unspoken Fear

My unspoken fear happened to another family last night while we were sleeping. 


A judge said no. 

This family seriously needs your prayers.  Pray that an appeal would be possible.  Here's their blog: 


This is a repost from Julia (her blog

Hold them Close

Hold your little ones close those of you who have crossed the waters and brought them safely to this side of the ocean.  Hold them close.  Hold them and pray because today - early this morning - while they slept safe in their beds - clinging to their bears - dreaming dreams of family and love - today - this morning - in a court across the ocean - with a family pleading with every ounce of their being - a judge said no.

She said No.

She thinks that a child with Down Syndrome is better off in an institute instead of with a family. 

She said No.

Against the advice of every single person in the courtroom.

She said No.

No to this little boy whose family has done everything imaginable to go get him. 

He stays. 

Kirill has been denied a family.

Dear friends,

There just are no words right now.

All we can do is get on our knees and pray.

The Davis family needs us.  They desperately need our prayers right now.

There just are no words.

Kirill was the first Down Syndrome adoption to go before this judge. 

She said No.

There are other families waiting in the wings. 

The Hook family faces her in just a few weeks.


The Moreno family is meeting there little one soon too..

Baby J

Hold them close - those of you who have brought your treasures home. 

Hold them.

We live in a fallen, sinful world and sometimes, for a short season, evil triumphs.

But we serve a Loving God and He is Good.

He conquered death and the grave.

In the end - He will prevail.  Love will win.

God will triumph.

Wrongs will be made right. 

Until then... we pray.  We cry out.  We stand strong against the evils of this world.

We fight on.

We do not give up.  And we hold each other up.  Because it hurts when evil wins for a season.

And our brothers and sisters right now are grieving beyond words.

So pray.

Pray for the Davis family, the Hook family and the Moreno family.

Pray for all the little ones in that region.

Pray knowing that God will be glorified in the end.